USS Cassin Young DD-793 - 1944 War Diary
1-1-44 thru 4-13-44… Shake Down and training exercises, and sortie to Pearl Harbor.
4-14-44... Leave Pearl for Majuro (central Pacific)
TG12.1- Indiana(BB58), Pritchett(DD561)
4-19-44... Arrived Majuro
4-20-44... Sortied for Admiralty Islands (South Pacific)
4-26-44... Arrived Admiralty islands
4-28-44… Sortie With BatDiv 8
Indiana(BB-58), Massachusetts(BB59) Converse, Thatcher(DD514), Pritchett(DD561)
4-29-44… Rendezvous TF58, Assigned TF58.3 - Fueled/Mail
Enterprise(CV6), Lexington(CV16), Langley(CVL27),Princeton(CVL23), Indiana(BB-58), Massachusetts(BB59), North Carolina(BB55), South Dakota(BB57), Alabama (BB60), Louisville(CA28), Portland(CA33), Canberra(CA-70)- Screening Destroyers- Cotton, Dortch, Gatline, Healy, Caperton, Ingersoll, Knapp, AW Grant, Dyson, Spense, Thatcher, Pritchett, Cassin Young.
4-29-44…. Air Operations against Carolina Islands… Truk, Waleai Satawan and Ponape
4-30-44… Sec Navy Frank Knox dies flags at half-staff.
5-1-44… Assigned Ponape Striking Force and temp attached to DesDiv-46 with Pritchett and assigned to Bombardment Unit Two. Note- battleships began Bombardment at 1530, ceasing fire at 1645.
5-2-44… Fueled from Indiana
5-4-44… Entered Majuro, Fueled and anchored.
5-6-44… Sortied From Majuro with TaskGroup 58.7
Yorktown(CV10), Monterey(CVL26), Princeton(CVL23), Massachusetts(BB59), Maury, Gridley, McCall, Pritchett, AW Grant, Cassin Young
5-11-44… Arrived Pearl harbor, TG58.7 Dissolved.
5-15-44 thru 5-19-44… Conducted Exercises in Hawaiian waters
5-20-44… Formed Destroyer Squadron 55.
5-21-44 thru 5-28-44 Exercises in Hawaiian waters.
5-29-44… Sortied from Pearl harbor with TaskUnit 52-14.1
Fanshaw Bay(CVE70)Midway(CVE63) DesRon55.
Joined up with TG52-15 Rocky Mount(AGC3)
6-8-44… Arrived Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands.
6-11-44… Sortied with TG 52.14 (TG52.14.1/TG52.14.2) enroute Saipan, Marianas
TG52.14.1- Fanshaw Bay(CVE70), Midway(CVE63), Irwin, Ross, Cassin Young
TG52.14.1- White Plains (CVE66), Kalinin Bay(CVE68), Porterfield, Callaghan and Longshaw.
6-15-44… TG Operating east of Saipan, Marianas. Rescued 4 downed pilots…
6-16-44… Pilots transferred back to Midway.
6-17-44… Fueled… Rescued downed pilot. Assigned to screen Fanshaw Bay who had taken bomb hit and dropped out of formation.
6-18-44… Relieved carrier escort , Assigned to screen Transport Group TG 51.18
6-19-44… TG 51.18 joined up with TG 52.3
6-20-44… Fueled…
6-21-44… Escorted transports to Transport Area Saipan… 1915hr ordered to proceed with Irwin to fire support sector 4 off-shore Garapan, Saipan to conduct counter-battery fire.
6-22-44… Fueled from St.Louis…
6-23-44… 1930hrs began firing illumination rounds per shore fire control party. Continued illumination till morning.
6-24-44… Ceased Illumination firing at dawn. 0750 request for close support fire at enemy ground forces. Commenced firing at 0805 and ceased firing at 1000…
Assigned to screen TG52.4 Enroute to Eniwetok Marshall Islands.
6-25-44… Dethatched TG52.4 and ordered to rendezvous with TG51.4 in route to Saipan… Proceeded at 12 knots contacted TG51.4 at 1745 In route to Saipan.
6-26-44… Arrived Saipan transport area… 1800 proceeded to Tinian Channel to conduct night illumination and harassing fire in channel.
6-27-44… Screening transport area and resupplied illumination rounds.
6-29-44… Fueled… Proceeded to fire support sector 5. 1930 ordered to move into Magicienne Bay and commenced illumination shell firing every 10 minutes till sunrise. (65 rounds of Illumination Shells used)
6-30-44… Moved back to fire support sector 5. Ordered back to TG52.14 screen. TG52.14 operating east of Saipan.
7-8-44… Fueled…
7-9-44… In Route to Eniwetok with White Plains, Kalinin Bay Irwin and Ross
7-12-44… Arrived Eniwetok, Marshal Islands… Fueled… Moored along side
7-18-44… Fueled… Anchored in Berth King 8. Port anchor with chain was lost in 27 fathoms (162') of water.
7-19-44… In-Route area east of Saipan with TG52.14.1
7-22-44 Arrived in operating area and joined TG 52.14
Kitkum Bay, Gambia Bay, Nehenta Bay, White Plains, Irwin, ross, Mertz, Longshaw, Callaghan, Laws, Morrison, Cassin Young.
7-23-44… Fueled… Transferred Rear Admiral "Ziggi" Sprague to White Plains
7-28-44… Fueled…
7-31-33… Returned to transport area with Gambia Bay and Mertz. Rejoined TG52.14 1900hrs
8-1-44… TG52.14 changed to TG 53.11 Enroute to Operating area east of Guam.
8-3-4… DesDiv 109 less Preston relived duty as screed TG53.11 and reassigned to TF 58.4
8-4-44… Fueled…
8-6-44… Proceeding to Saipan to obtain Mail for TG58.4. Received mail and proceeding back to TG58.4 east of Guam.
8-7-44… 0600 rejoined TG58.4. 0700 Commenced delivering mail. Passed 241 bags of mail to ships in group. TG58.4 now composed of:
Essex(CV9),Langley(CVL27), Belleau Woods(CVL24), San Diego(CL53), Irwin, Laws Morrison Callaghan Porterfield and Cassin Young.
8-9-44… Fueled from Langley
8-10-44… Enroute to Eniwetok Marshall Islands.
8-13-44… Arrived Eniwetok. Fueled… and moored alongside Irwin.
8-14-44 thru 728-44… Moored or anchored in Eniwetok harbor Fueled…
8-29-44… Sortied with TG38.3
Essex(CV9), Lexington(CV16), Langley(CVL27),Princeton(CVL23), Reno(CL96),
DesRon 55
9-2-44 thru 8-3-44… Fueled all ships
9-6-44…Began Fueling from Lexington. While alongside lost fuel oil suction due to salt water in fuel oil, unable to maintain station dropped clear no damage to either vessel. Completed fueling later from Essex.
Began flight operations against Palau islands
9-8-44 Departed Palau Area Enroute Mindanao, Philippines Area. Fueled…
9-9-44… Continued flight ops against Palau Island. Rescued 4 out of 5 airmen from 2 planes which made water landings (Ens. Sample, AOM2c Pearson, Ltjg Matthews and ARM2c Krueger rescued, ARM2cClassner went down with plane)
9-11-44… Heavy Support Units TF34 Joined TG38.3 Fueled…
Washington(BB47), Indiana(BB-58), Massachusetts(BB59),DeDiv 99.
Flight ops area east of Central Philippines.
9-14-44… Air operations continuing. 1310 sank defective Santa Fe(CL60) scout plane with 40mm fire as directed. Enroute to Palau Area
9-16 44… Fueled… Air operations Continuing Palau Area.
9-19-44… Fueled… Air operations Continuing Palau Area.
9-20-44… Enroute Luzon Philippine's.
9-22-44… Air operations Continuing Luzon Area… 0750 open fire on high flying enemy plane 5 round expended no hits observed.
9-23-44… Fueled not able to complete due to time limitations… Enroute to Central Philippine's
9-24-44… Finished Fueled from Alabama… Air operations in Central Philippine's. 1800 Enroute to Palau Islands.
9-26-44… Fueled…
9-27-44… Arrived Kossol Passage Palau Islands. Anchored with Preston
9-28-44… Fueled… Screening Carriers during night retirement.
9-29-44… Fueled from Preston… Screening Carriers during night retirement.
9-30-44… Screening Carriers during night retirement.
10-1-44… Fueled Preston, then Fueled… Sorted for Ulithi Island.
10-2-44… Arrived Ulithi Harbor, Anchored… Weather getting bad, indicative of Typhoon, Standing by to execute emergency sortie.
10-3-44… 0600 Commenced emergency sorte. 0840 TG38.3 completed sorte and commenced retirement South. TYPHOON
10-4-44.. Weather improving, returning to Ulithi. Anchored Ulithi harbor.
10-5-44… Fueled… Anchored
10-6-44…Toped off Fuel Tanks… Sorted with TG 38.3 to Okinawa
10-7-44… High winds rain and rough seas, Typhoon to westward.
10-8-44… Fueling from Washington rough seas made difficult fueling operation, finished by 2000.
10-9-44… Air operations against Okinawa
10-11-44… Fueling from Alabama… TF38 now Enroute to Formosa Area.
10-14-44… Fueling from South Dakota… Air operations continue off Formosa Area.
1700 5-6 enemby planes approach this vessels sector- Four plans shoot down:
One by 5"38 at 3-400 Yards, One by 40mm on starboard side, One by 40mm on Port quarter and one by 40mm and 20mm which is seen to crash onto USS Reno.
Damage sustained- Superficial damage to Outer Casing and drain line of no 2 stack from strafing, 5 men wounded by shrapnel, no wounds fatal(Bianchi James GM3c, Cidlevicz Ralph MM3c, Dickerman Wallace SK1c, Kratke Henery S1c, Sternhagan Joe S1c)
10-15-44… Fueling from Pecos(AO65)… Searching for enemy Fleet.
10-17-44… Fueling from South Dakota… Searching for enemy Fleet.
10-18-44… Fueling from Escambia(AO80)… Commander John W Ailes III reports aboard as relief for Commanding Officer.
10-21-44… Arrived Entrance of San Bernardino Straight, Flight operations.
10-22-44… Fueling from Pecos(AO65)…
10-23-44… 1340 Sighted mine, made several hits on mine… Enroute to Central Philippines.
10-24-44… 0950 Princeton hit by a bomb, 0955 Stopped and dropped astern to rescue survivors blown over board. 1002 rescued 2 pilots. Proceeded to Princeton, ordered alongside to help fight fires, as approaching 5 jap planes attacked. This vessel first to open fire and down possibly one plane with help of friendly fighters. Rest shot down by our fighter.
Ships assisting Princeton… Birmingham(CL62), Reno, Irwin, Morrisison, Gatlin, Cassn Young.
1046 Birmingham(CL62) alongside Princeton. Cassin Young rescuing survivors in water. Princeton now burring badly. 1524 After part of Princeton explodes, causing severe damage and a large number of casualties to Birmingham.
1555 rescued last of survivors… 122 survivors on board.
1752 Reno sinks Princeton with torpedo spread.
Birmingham, Irwin, Morrisison, Gatlin detached all damaged.
Returned to TG38.3
10-25-44… Rescued Pilot from Langley (Lt. Firetay)
Battle of Cape Engaño takes place… CY on screen of TG38.3
2000 Enroute to Fueling rendezvous.
10-26-44… Fueling from Cacahe(AO67)… 1030 began transferring Princeton, Birmingham, Irwin survivors to Lexington, completed 1320. 1330 transferred Langley pilot to his ship. Enroute to Central Philippine's Area.
10-28-44… Enroute to Ulithi.
10-30-44… Arrived Ulithi, Fueling from Chikaskia(AO54)… Alongside Markab(AD21) for tender availability.
10-31-44… Commander Earl T Schreiber, relieved of command and Commander John W Ailes III takes command.
11-1-44… Sortie with TG38.3
11-3-44… Fueling from Kaskaskia(AO27) started 0650 competed 0930…
11-5-44… Commenced flight operations against Luzon Philippine's.
NOTE: Lexington hit by Val Kamikaze… First Kamikaze hit of war.
11-7-44… Fueling from South Dakota… Weather worsening, Typhoon 500 miles South Southeast of fleet. 1900 begin maneuvering to avoid typhoon.
11-8-44… Typhoon 300 miles Southeast of fleet. Destination changed to Avoid Typhoon.
11-9-44… 0630 vessel designated mail passing ship for the day. All transfers completed by 1500
11-10-44… Air Operations in Central Philippines Area.
11-12-44… Fueling from Nantahala(AO60)… Flight operations continue.
11-14-44… Flight operations continue. Rescued 1 Langley Pilot Ens Brody, no sign of his 2 crewmen.
11-15-44… Enroute to Ulithi.
11-17-44… Arrived Ulithi, Fueling from Maleuru(IX138)… Alongside Markab(AD21) for tender availability.
11-20-44… Midget Submarines in Ulithi Harbor… Underway in Harbor on one engine searching… Returned alongside Markab(AD21) for continued tender work.
11-22-44… Sortied with TG 38.3 for Central Luzon Area.
11-24-44… Fueling from Marias(AO57)… continued to Central Luzon Area.
11-25-44… Commenced Air operations Central Luzon Area. Plane Guard Ticonderoga(CV14), rescued one pilot from water LtCmd Vorse, rescued one of two seaman swept off deck of Ticonderoga s1c Kowalchyk other sailor lost.
11-26-44… Assigned to deliver mail and down pilots to fleet units. Fueling from Neches(AO47)…
11-29-44… Mine shot at with 5"(24 Rnds) and 40mm (60 Rnds) no detonation.
Plane Guard Ticonderoga.
11-30-33… Fueling from Neches(AO47)…
12-1-44… Enroute Ulithi for re-provisioning and rearming.
12-2-44… Arrived Ulithi, Alongside Markab(AD21) for tender availability.
12-9-44… 0730 Entered dry dock ARD23 to replace defective underwater sound dome.
12-10-44… 1322 undocked from ASD23… Fueling from Sepulga(AO20)…
12-11-44… Sortied with TG38.3 for Northern Luzon.
12-12-44… Plane Guard Ticonderoga
12-13-44… Fueling from Washington…
12-14-44… Commenced Air Operations Northern Luzon Area.
12-17-44… Weather getting bad… Fueling from Marias(AO57) at 1120, 1245 parted fueling line, because of sea conditions… all fueling operations canceled till 11-18-44.
12-18-44… Typhoon, weather very bad, wind gale force 11. Center of Typhoon 25 miles from fleet.
12-19-44… Weather clearing high seas… Fueling from Marias(AO57)…
12-20-44 thru 12-21-44… Searching for survivors from Typhoon.
12-22-44… Fueling from Kennebago(AO81)… Enroute Ulithi.
12-24-44… Arrived Ulithi… Fueling from Marias(AO57)
12-25-44… Christmas 1944 moored alongside Preston, Ulithi Harbor.
12-30-44… Sortied with TG38.3 for Formosa Area.
12-31-44… Steaming as before.
1 year old. As of this date… Traveled 88,376.3 nautical miles at an average speed of 16 knots, using 4,322,155 gallons o